Thursday, June 30, 2022

RINO John Danforth and US Senate race in Missouri

Anti-Trump RINO John Danforth, former US Senator from Missouri wrote an op-ed criticizing President Donald Trump calling him a “hateful” man. How so? Because he chose to denounce all violence from all sides in the altercation in Charlottesville? Why is Danforth siding with the violent Black Lies Mob and the violent fascist, anarchists “antifa” group? What is wrong with Danforth?

FYI Johnny, President Donald Trump was clear when he denounced the violence from ALL sides, but that was not good enough for the anti-Trumpers. They wanted Trump to name the neo-Nazis and the KKK who infiltrated the event. And so on Monday President Trump refined his message and included those groups and denounced their actions, but that still was not good enough. On the other hand, no one called out Clinton bag man McAuliffe for not condemning the leftist Antifa fascists, because he sides with them.  Furthermore, this violence is a carryover from the racist Obama Regime and stems from the cowardly RINOs and DemonRATS in charge acquiescing to the Black Lies Mob in the removal of anything having to do with the Confederacy.

The whites had a permit to legally protest the removal of a Robert E. Lee monument were told the event could not go on calling it an unlawful assembly and they had to leave, otherwise they would be arrested. The police then made them go through the gauntlet of the Black Lies Mob and the fascist/anarchist Antifa group, where they were attacked with bricks, sticks, pepper spray and balloons filled with chemicals, urine and feces and they fought back. The police were also ordered to stand down, violating their oath of office. These antagonists are being funded by George Soros and his ilk. These same tactics were done during the presidential campaign when the Killary campaign paid goons to attack Trump supporters. Why are you not speaking out about that Johnny? You phony!

Danforth is telling Republicans they should distance themselves from President Trump. So what are you saying, Johnny, for the Republicans not to pass any legislation that would be good for America and Americans, just because you hate Donald Trump? How is that good for the country? Is that your vision for the Republican Party?

 Donald Trump is trying to hold the Republicans to their promises they have been making for several years. Repealing Obamacare; tax reform, infrastructure and securing the nation, which is what a President is supposed to do. President Trump kept his promise to name Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the US Embassy there. Globalist ex-presidents H. Bush, Bill Clinton, W. Bush and Hussein Obama all made the same promise but failed at keeping that promise.

 Johnny. Danforth said. “I think it’s very important to make it clear to the public that Donald Trump is not like us.” I have to agree on that one, Johnny, Trump is not like the do-nothing Republicans, which most recently failed to repeal Obamacare, because the lying Traitor, John McLame voted against the repeal to get back at Trump.

Danforth continued in his erroneous swiping of the President by saying, “Trump is the most divisive president in our history.” Oh really? Where have you been the last eight years, you FOOL? Hussein Obama was the most divisive president ever and the Republicans did little to nothing to stop him. Obama hates this country and wanted to and still wants to transform it and is doing so behind the scenes as is George Soros. On the other hand, Trump wants to put America and American interests FIRST in order to Make America Great Again. So Johnny, either get on board the Trump train or STFU and get out of the way.

When then Senator John Danforth retired there was a rule that the money in his political war chest had to be donated to charity. So, Mr. high moral ground, phony, Episcopalian Minister, Johnny Danforth  and "donated" his stash of money in his political war chest to his church. In other words, he took the money out of his left pocket and put it in his right pocket.

And let’s not forget John Danforth was appointed special counsel to investigate the massacre at WACO by the Rapist Bill Clinton Regime, where 85 people were killed, including 21 children who were burnt alive, that he WHITE WASHED. So keep telling yourself what a good guy Danforth is.