Monday, January 18, 2021

Bringing Integrity to America’s Elections

 The Constitution calls for the election of the President and Vice President every four years on the first Tuesday of November following the first Monday of the month. I understand elections are handled by the States, but I believe for the Presidential election the Federal Government can enact law, regarding the President and Vice President, because the president is a Federal Office. So why not have only the election of the President and Vice President every four years on the first Tuesday of November after the first Monday of the month? All the other races can be done the following week.

The 2020 election was very contentious and massive fraud occurred in select battleground states, where illegal votes were counted for Joe Biden in the tabulation of the ballots. So, 74 +million people were disenfranchised when illegal votes were allowed to be counted. Then the Supreme Court failed at their responsibility to hear the cases on the merits even though they have original jurisdiction when it comes to disputes amongst states. So, people have lost faith in the integrity of our elections.

What should be done in all elections to bring back integrity and faith in our elections and anyone who does not agree want to keep doing what is being done in order to steal elections. People need to register at least a week so the person could be verified. There should not be same day registering and voting. The voting rolls need to be purged to clear the rolls of dead people and those who have left their state. There should not be any early voting or mail in voting and very limited absentee voting with proper verification. Voting should not be easy. You are voting for someone that affects your life or voting for other things like taxes. Voter IDS need to be shown to vote. Election Day should be for 24 hours so if you are working that day you still have time to vote. No computers should be used because the machines can be programmed to cheat. Ballot harvesting needs to be illegal. Voting should be done with paper ballots and the people should circle the name of the candidate you want. The paper ballots should be placed in a container and after the 24 hours the container needs to be opened up at the precinct and counted with observers from all parties overseeing the count. Then the results could be called into election headquarters from all the precincts where those numbers can be entered into a computer and released to the public declaring a winner. Enacting these things will bring back faith into our elections.

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