Barack Hussein Obama happened to be President when Usama Bin Laden was located and killed. The so-called Mainstream Media (MSM) were drooling all over themselves that Bin Laden was killed under this Democrat President. NBC interrupted regular programming, which was Trump's show The Celebrity Apprentice for an important announcement from Obama. As of 10:30 p.m. he had not made the announcement that Usama Bin Laden was killed, however the MSM did; they could not help themselves. I thought it was going to be Obama making the announcement.
Andrea Mitchell said it would help Obama politically. The gloating MSM called Obama’s actions to go forward with the raid a "GUTSY CALL!" If you stop and think about it, it was the only call. Obama supposedly, made it his mission to capture or kill Usama Bin Laden. Therefore, when it was learned that Bin Laden was in the compound in Pakistan Obama had only one call to make. Go get him! It wasn’t a “GUTSY CALL!" BTW it took him 16 hours to make the decision and supposedly they knew Usama’s location since August 2010. What took him so long?
A "GUTSY CALL" was when Todd Beamer, along with some fellow passengers on flight 93 made the decision to fight against the jihadists and he said, “Are you guys ready? Let's roll!" The operator heard Beamer's words after he dropped the phone, leaving the line open.
Obama gave the order to take Bin Laden out, which was a good thing, however maybe for the wrong reason. Obama wanted to show that he is not a wimp, but a macho man. Remember, Obama wants/wanted to close down GITMO, give Miranda warnings to the jihadist’s captured in the field and is against enhanced interrogation methods, which helped get the info to take out Bin Laden. The hunt for Usama Bin Laden had been going on for 10 years and it was the Special Forces that did the work not Obama.
Let's not forget the Obama regime is still investigating the CIA personnel who did the enhanced interrogation methods on some of these terrorists. Obama prosecuted the Navy Seals for a bogus claim of abuse by a terrorist/jihadist. The Seals supposedly gave this jihadist a fat lip when he was captured. This jihadist was responsible for burning alive some Blackwater Contractors and then hung their remains from a bridge. I guess the Seals that killed Bin Laden were concerned if they would have tried to take him alive they might have gave him a fat lip.
At the Obama photo-op, a sister of a 9/11 victim Debra Burlingame confronted Obama about Attorney General Eric Holder prosecuting the men who interrogated KSM, which produced intelligence leading us to Bin Laden. "Can't you at least give them your opinion? And Obama said 'no I won't,' and he turned around and walked away." That's because Holder is Obama, just like all of the other radicals in his administration. They are him. Barack Hussein Obama has said, "Tell me who you walk with and I'll tell you who you are."
Furthermore, why is our Government telling the World they are getting intelligence information from seized computer hard-drives and equipment from Usama Bin laden's compound? Why does the World need to know that information? Is the information any good now? There was NO need to disclose that information, just act on it.
Barack Hussein Obama gave a speech regarding the death of Usama Bin Laden. He was reading from the teleprompter when he read the words, “These efforts weigh on me every time I, as Commander-in-Chief, have to sign a letter to a family that has lost a loved one, or look into the eyes of a service member who’s been gravely wounded." After all, Obama is running for reelection. Nevertheless, it was a spontaneous statement when he was wining about wearing a sport coat on Super Bowl Sunday and being in a bubble, which shows his true feelings.
Obama's actions speak of what he truly believes of the military. Remember, just a few weeks ago Obama wasn’t going to pay the troops if there was a Government shutdown. He was going to use the military as pawns or a shield. He signed a memo on 4/7/2011 stating if there was a Government shutdown the troops would have their payments delayed, contrary to what was allowed in the past by other Presidents. Obama floated the idea that military personnel wounded in battle should have their private medical insurance pay for their medical bills. Now, he has Michelle Obama and Jill Biden doing commercials about the American people supporting our troops. The American people do not need any phony commercials. Our soldiers should be paid on time and soldiers who served in the military should have the best medical care provided to them as a benefit for serving and protecting this great country.
Barack Hussein Obama said, "No need to spike the football," as his reason for not disclosing the photos of the deceased Usama Bin Laden, yet he goes to New York to dance in the end zone. Then his administration sent out a cheesy email to a few select families of victims of 9/11to meet with him for a photo-op. Classless. Then again, what do you expect from a Community Agitator. Obama's re-election campaign has begun.
Without showing proof by showing the photos that Usama Bin Laden is DEAD, wouldn’t Usama Bin Laden become larger than life, which can perpetuate the belief that he is still alive? Obama claims they buried him at sea to prevent a memorial from being set up at his grave site. What is to prevent them from making a Memorial at the sea side or making the compound where Usama was killed the next Graceland?
The problem most people have with Barack Hussein Obama is he is a LIAR. He said he was going to be the most TRANSPARENT president ever, yet refuses to disclose any of his documents. Now, he does not want
to release the photos of Usama Bin Laden. The Obama Regime is UNTRUSTWORTHY. All of America was attacked on 9/11. The photos should be released to those that want to see them. For those that do not want to see them, DON'T LOOK. As for the credit for taking out Usama Bin Laden that should go to the Special Forces. In addition, thanks needs to be given to everyone who served and is serving in our military.