Monday, July 22, 2013

Kill the Amnesty Bill

Proponents of the Immigration/Amnesty bill claim there are 11 million people living here illegally, but it is probably more like 20 million and that is why the need to pass this bill into law. Those supporting the Immigration/amnesty bill are Democrat/Statists who look to the illegal immigrants as votes; Union Bosses who look to the illegal immigrants as dues paying members; Corporatists who look to the illegal immigrants as cheap labor; Churches who look to illegal immigrants as contributing parishioners; Establishment/RINO Republicans who look to be liked by illegal immigrants; and the illegal immigrants themselves looking for stuff.
 Instead of enforcing current immigration laws they say we must pass comprehensive immigration reform now! In trying to sell the Gang of Eight Immigration/Amnesty bill ads are being run claiming the bill calls for more border guards and building the fence. They also claim the illegal immigrants would have to pay a fine, begin to pay taxes, learn and speak English and to get back at the end of the line.
Let’s look at their selling points. There is no need to pass this Amnesty bill to increase the border patrol, they can just be hired. As for the fence; that is already in the 2006 Immigration Law that they are not enforcing. No need to add another law when there is one already in place, enforce it. As for the fine, what will the fine be and what if they cannot pay? Will they be deported or will the fine be waived; or more likely subsidized?  As for paying taxes; many of these illegals are low skilled, working low wage jobs and if you believe Jeb Bush are more fertile than legal white American citizens. Therefore, they will not be paying any income taxes. In fact, they will be getting tax credits i.e. money from the taxpayers, unless our tax system is changed (implement a flat tax or fair tax). What happens if the illegals do not learn English? Will they be deported then? As for illegals getting back to the end of the line, wouldn’t the end of the line be in their country of origin? And what happens to the ones who are waiting to get in legally? Will they be allowed to enter too, which would double the amount of people being let in?   
Those pushing this amnesty bill claim the illegals will not be eligible for Obamacare. Really?  They might not be eligible per se to Obamacare, but, that does not mean they will not be treated, unless they change the law regarding treatment to where the medical facility can refuse treatment. What are the chances of that happening?  And wasn’t that one of the reasons they gave us for giving us the abomination that is Obamacare. This amnesty bill, accompanied by Obamacare will only exacerbate the unemployment and underemployment of American citizens, because employers could terminate many legal Americans, replacing them with the illegals due to Obamacare.
There is no reason to pass this monstrous "immigration/amnesty" bill, just enforce the laws already on the books. What must and should be done is secure the borders; enforce current immigration laws against the illegal’s and the people who hire them; let it be known to the people living here illegally that they will be deported;  and then work on reforming and streamlining immigration policy. No one is saying they are going to be rounded up and deported right away or all at once. The illegal immigrants did not get here all at once, therefore will not leave all at once. Nevertheless, if the United States started to enforce immigration laws and let it be known that when caught the illegals would be deported many of them would self deport. You do not reward people for bad behavior and by allowing illegals to stay the government would be doing exactly that. If a law is not enforced, is it a law?

The United States is a sovereign country with borders and laws. The Federal Government’s primary responsibility is to protect its citizens from enemies both foreign and domestic. Our immigration laws are being violated and not being enforced. Article IV Section 4 of the US Constitution states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.” I would consider the 11+million illegal immigrants in this country amounts to an invasion. These TRAITORS, who voted for
this amnesty bill, are now collaborating on pressuring Representatives in
the House to get the bill passed. This bill will destroy this country. These
Senators take an oath to defend the Constitution. Their amnesty bill is in
violation to their oath. If a law is not enforced, is it a law? There is no reason to
pass this monstrous "immigration/amnesty" bill, just enforce the laws
already on the books. These TRAITORS, who voted for
this amnesty bill, are now collaborating on pressuring Representatives in
the House to get the bill passed. This bill will destroy this country. These
Senators take an oath to defend the Constitution. Their amnesty bill is in
violation to their oath. If a law is not enforced, is it a law? There is no reason to
pass this monstrous "immigration/amnesty" bill, just enforce the laws
already on the books. These TRAITORS, who voted for
this amnesty bill, are now collaborating on pressuring Representatives in
the House to get the bill passed. This bill will destroy this country. These
Senators take an oath to defend the Constitution. Their amnesty bill is in
violation to their oath. If a law is not enforced, is it a law? There is no reason to
pass this monstrous "immigration/amnesty" bill, just enforce the laws
already on the books.
Therefore, the 68 Senators who voted for this amnesty bill are TRAITORS to this country and in violation to their oath to defend the Constitution.  This bill if made into law will destroy this country. The US House is the firewall to the Amnesty bill being passed. Everyone needs to burn up the phone lines to your US Representative to keep this amnesty bill from becoming law!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Obama and Profiling

Barack Hussein Obama is supposed to be the "Leader" of the Free World, but he is NOT a leader; he is a Community Agitator; the great Divider. Obama is a divisive and polarizing figure who pits one group of Americans against another. Obama is a BULLY and a LIAR, who uses scare tactics and threats against the American people. His policies and rhetoric endangers America. In his comments about the Zimmerman verdict he brought up racial profiling. He was referring to whites profiling blacks, yet forgets his Regime profiled the Tea Party Patriots. It is the Statists fomenting the tension and hostility against them. The following are some examples:

Barack Hussein Obama’s response regarding Joe Biden’s Tea Party are terrorists: "Now, in fairness, since I've been called a socialist who wasn't born in this country, who is destroying America and taking away its freedoms because I passed a health care bill, I'm all for lowering the rhetoric."

Vice President Joe Biden: “The Tea Party Republicans are acting like ‘Terrorists.’”
VP Joe Biden: “This is a different kind of fight. This is a fight for the existence of organized labor. You are the only folks keeping the barbarians [Tea Party] at the gate. That’s why they want you so bad.”

Nancy Pelosi: Re:The Tea Party, “I think they are Astro-turf, you be the judge of carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.”

Bob Beckel of Fox News contributor: “the Tea Terrorist Party.”

Steven Rattner of Morning Joe:   “The Tea Party Guys are like strapped with dynamite in Times Square at rush hour and say you are going to do it my way or we will blow you up and ourselves and the whole country with us.”

Mika Brzezinski: “Are they so stuck to their little contract and the Tea Party that they can’t even think outside the box for the good of the country?”

Mika Brzezinski: “The Tea Party---their ability to hold us hostage, our economy hostage… You can blame the Tea Party for part of that. They [Tea Party] didn’t care about the external consequences.”

Chris Matthews of Hardball: “The GOP has become the Wahabi’s of American Government willing to risk bringing down the whole country in the service of their anti-tax ideology.”

Margaret Carlson of Bloomberg News: “They (Tea Party) strapped explosives to the Capitol and they think they are immune to it.”

Tina Brown of News Week: “The Tea Party is equal to ‘Suicide Bombers.’”

Thomas Friedman of New York Times: “The Tea Party is Hezbollah.”

Peter Goodman of Huffington Post: “The Tea Party acts like ‘Terrorists.’”

Maxine Waters, “The Tea Party can go straight to hell."

William Yeoman of CNN: “The Tea Party faction in the House are ‘Full Blown Terrorists.’”

Fareed Zakaria of CNN: “The Tea Party wants to blow up the country.”

Paul Krugman of New York Times: “The Tea Party wants to blow up the economy.”

David Brooks of New York Times:  “The Tea Party has no sense of moral decency.”

Jimmy Hoffa: "President Obama, this is your army, we are ready to march. But everybody here’s got to vote. If we go back, and keep the eye on the prize, let’s take these son-of-a-bitches [Tea Party] out."

The Statists are the ones who are un-American and attack the Tea Party Patriots with ad hominem attacks demonizing them in an effort to silence them, because the FACTS do not back them up. Tea Party people are Patriotic Americans who are concerned about their country. Tea Party people want their leaders to follow the Constitution; they want limited Government; less taxes and for Government to control and cut spending. They want to encourage people to be self reliant and less dependent on Government. On the other hand, the Statists want the United States to continue on the path to Bankruptcy with their out of control spending and their ‘Cradle to Grave’ ideology; wherein they coerce people to be more dependent on Government in order to garner votes to stay in POWER.  

The GREAT DIVIDER, Barack Hussein Obama

The GREAT DIVIDER, Barack Hussein Obama
The GREAT DIVIDER, Barack Hussein Obama continues to fan the flames of racial division with “Trayvon Martin could have been me.” Obama also said, “Once the jury has spoken, that is how our system works” except under the Obama Regime. Under the racist Obama Regime if the racialist’s do not get the verdict they want they gather the lynch mob and demand justice. Then the DOJ, led by the racist AG Eric Holder begins a witch hunt to find information that George Zimmerman is a racist so they can go after him for “federal crimes.”

Obama said, “I think, to a sense that if a white male teen was involved in the same kind of scenario, that, from top to bottom, both the outcome and the aftermath might have been different.” Really? If a white male teen attacked George Zimmerman and was beating him so bad that Zimmerman feared for his life, Zimmerman would have not defended himself and let him be killed? Obama, just like all the other black racialist’s, are not looking at the facts of this case, instead sides with the black person.  

Obama said, “If I see any violence, then I will remind folks that that dishonors what happened to Trayvon Martin and his family.” Open your eyes then. There has been reported violence throughout the country, including two white males, who were shot and killed by blacks in Florida, over a “Free Zimmerman” bumper sticker on their vehicle. Obama is turning a blind eye to it.

Obama said, “You know, when I was in Illinois I passed racial profiling legislation.” This was not a case of racial profiling nor Stand Your Ground. It was a case of Self Defense, which is a God-given right.  We also know you also spoke out against the Born Alive Act, thus supporting infanticide.

Obama continued, “And for those who resist that idea that we should think about something like these “stand your ground” laws, I just ask people to consider if Trayvon Martin was of age and armed, could he have stood his ground on that sidewalk? And do we actually think that he would have been justified in shooting Mr. Zimmerman, who had followed him in a car, because he felt threatened? What if Trayvon would have succeeded in killing Zimmerman, would the whole country know about it? Would Obama speak out for Trayvon then?

Regarding the Second Amendment Obama has said in the past he believes in the Second Amendment right to be able to protect yourself and he was not going to take your guns away. Yet, that is what he has done to George Zimmerman.

Throughout this speech Obama made no mention of George Zimmerman’s right to self defense. He was blaming the “white man” for all the problems, even though it was a Hispanic defending himself. Obama is DESPICABLE!!!

 Trayvon Martin is dead because of the actions of Trayvon Martin. There is a record of Trayvon being in possession of jewelry stolen in a burglary that was covered up to save the reputation of the school. Burglars like to wear hoodies to help cover their face. Martin going back and forth between buildings after dark would be suspicious enough for a watchman to report it to the police. What is known is Trayvon attacked Zimmerman and was beating him so bad Zimmerman feared for his life and thus defended himself.   

This case should have never been brought to trial based on the facts. It was brought on by the Obama Regime race-baiters.   George Zimmerman was doing his job as the neighborhood watchman, when he was attacked by Trayvon Martin and had to shoot him to keep from getting killed. It is Zimmerman's frame of mind that comes into question and he believed his life was in danger, which makes this a case for Self defense.

 “How we can prevent future tragedies like this?” Start teaching these young black thugs not to have an entitlement mentality and to respect the value of life.