Saturday, January 19, 2019

Voting should not be easy

What really is a joke is DemonRATS claiming they care about the integrity of elections in the United States, when what they stand for and are proposing says they do not. DemonRATS have been shouting for two years now that RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA stole the 2016 election and it was the Donald Trump campaign that colluded with the Russians. When in reality it was the Killary Clinton campaign and the DemonRATS who colluded with the Russians.
Killary, in a rigged election, had Hollywood, Academia, the propaganda media, DemonRATS, which includes Hussein Obama’s corrupted Regime, (the FBI, NSA, DOJ, CIA etc.) and RINOs, but still Donald Trump prevailed. Unfortunately, 2020 may have different results especially if the DemonRATS get the changes they are looking to implement. The following is what the DemonRATS are proposing:
End of the Electoral College.
US Senators by population, not two per state.
Same day voter registration.
No purging of voter rolls.
No voter ID.
Motor voter registration for illegal aliens.
Illegal aliens can run for some offices.
Expanding: absentee ballots, provisional ballots, mail in ballots, harvesting ballots and early voting.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, You-tube etc. are run by Leftists and have been censoring Conservative speech since the election. So it will be very tough trying to get the Conservative message out to the public. The other problem is people moving from leftist states to more Conservative states, California to Texas and New York to Florida, because of high taxes and oppressive government regulations, but they bring leftist ideology to the Conservative state.

What the DemonRATS are proposing will lead to voter fraud so they can steal elections. No way should there be an end to the Electoral College or proportion US Senators by population. Two Senators per state is enough. Although term limits should be looked to and implemented. The voter rolls need to be purged. Dead people should not be voting. There should not be automatic voter registration when registering your vehicle. Registering to vote should be separate from anything else. Citizenship should be questioned on the Census and only actual citizens should be able to vote and run for office.
The integrity of the election process must be preserved and is tantamount to having a true representative government. Voting is a privilege and a right. It is one of the greatest responsibilities you have as a US citizen, because you are voting on issues and people that will affect your life.

There should not be provisional ballots, mail in ballots, harvesting of ballots or early voting. Absentee ballots should be very limited. The problem with absentee or early voting is who is watching the ballots? This leads to voter fraud.
To eliminate corruption and restore integrity and faith in the election process I suggest the following: Once registered the people would bring a photo id to the polling place on the day of the election. Election Day would be a national holiday and it would be for a twenty-four hour period. Voting should be done with paper ballots. Computerized machines can be tampered with to flip the votes. The names of the candidates and measures that the voter wants to vote for are circled, eliminating the controversy of hanging chad or marking the wrong box. The ballots are kept in a container at the polling place until the polls are closed. The votes are then counted by the judges with the opposition parties overseeing the count to be sure it is being recorded accurately. That way ballots may not be “accidentally” left in the trunk of someone’s car and found later to change the outcome of the election. The results are then phoned into a central database. In the 2018 midterm election 15 Republicans were winning their races on election night, but ultimately lost the election after ballots were found giving the victory to the DemonRATS. Will the Republicans put a stop to the changes DemonRATS want to steal elections or will they try to implement my suggested changes? We will have to wait and see. The people need to contact their representatives to stop this madness.

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