Saturday, August 29, 2009

Energy and National Security

The United States needs to strive to become energy independent. It is a matter of National Security because oil/gasoline is the lifeblood of our economy. At the present time the United States has to deal with several countries that do not like us. OPEC holds this country hostage by refusing to boost production even though the demand is picking up to keep the prices high.

The rising costs of oil and gasoline is caused by many factors, some of them are: supply and demand, a play on the value of the dollar, speculators, government regulation, EPA, refineries or lack thereof.

Why doesn’t the United States have an energy policy that would be in the best interests for this country? Perhaps it is because of the environmental lobbyists who do not want the oil companies drilling for oil. Perhaps it is because of the infighting between the Democrats and Republicans, but as I stated I believe this is a matter of national security. Neither party has done a good job of creating an energy policy that is beneficial to this country.

However, the solutions proposed by the Democrats do nothing to bring down the costs. Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama want to seize the profits of the oil companies or impose a windfall profits tax on them. Several years ago when gasoline prices were lower Paul Simon the Democrat Senator from Illinois wanted to have four to five dollar a gallon for gasoline to pay for social programs. Also when gasoline prices were lower there were several Democrats proposing a surcharge on the price of gasoline because their states were not getting enough tax revenue. The revenue created from gasoline taxes should be used for the roads.

The United States should not impose a windfall profit tax or seize the profits of the oil companies. But the United States does not need to subsidize the oil companies with taxpayer’s money either.

What needs to be done for the United States to become more energy independent is to drill for more oil, find alternative sources of energy, and to ease some of the burdensome regulations imposed on the industry.

The United States should encourage the development of alternative fuels as long as it does not come from crops in the food group, which could lead to food inflation, because not only do humans eat corn and corn products it is also used for feed for the animals. This is driving up the costs because of supply and demand. Some scientists have said it is not energy efficient to produce ethanol from corn, and claim hemp is a better alternative for the production of alternative fuel. It is a weed, not in the food group, and its fuel burns cleaner and better.

The most recent energy bill should be revised or repealed. The oil companies and ethanol companies do not need to be subsidized with taxpayer money. Let them find away to be profitable and keep the profits. The bill also bans the incandescent light bulb in favor of the mercury filled compact fluorescent bulbs, which eventually will have environmental concerns because it is a hazardous poison that could end up in the water supply (see Mercury poisoning). Thomas Edison has to be rolling in has grave.

Oil companies need to be able to drill for the oil where the oil is. Environmentalists fear the pollution factor, but we must have faith in the oil companies to drill responsibly and to protect the environment. China and Mexico are drilling in the Gulf of Mexico at the present time. Do you think that protecting the environment is a big concern for them? As I stated this country needs to become more energy independent it is vital to our economy and our country.

The United States needs to encourage the use of nuclear power as another source of energy. People are concerned with its safety, but the technology is there to be able to use nuclear power in a safe way. Then there is the problem of where to put the facilities. Some people are in favor of it as long as it is not in my back yard. My suggestion would be to put them at the military bases that have been closed down.

Another problem with the high cost of fuel is the lack of refineries in this country. There hasn't been a refinery built in this country for decades. Also the refineries throughout different parts of the country refine different grades of fuels because of EPA regulations. This leads to rising costs due to supply and demand, the refiners are unable to produce enough fuel because of the EPA regulations and the lack of refineries throughout the country to produce the supply for the demand.

Again, the United States needs and energy policy that reduces our dependence on foreign oil as a matter of national security, because we are sending billions of dollars to countries that do not like us. Sure the oil goes out in the open market to the world, but I would prefer to have the oil wells on our shores so the United States can be in control of the energy supply. Otherwise, OPEC can have an impact on our economy and our security.

Greg Zotta

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