Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stupak Amendment and Republicans

Democrat Representative Bart Stupak of Michigan won the support of the Republicans and 64 Democrats for his amendment regarding abortion. Stupak’s language prohibits abortion coverage in the public insurance option included in the House bill. It would also prevent private plans from offering coverage for abortion services if they accept people who are receiving government subsidies. It does allow abortions in the case of rape, incest or imperils the health or life of the mother.

Without the Stupak (Stupid) amendment the House healthcare bill would not have won final passage in a 220-215 vote. This healthcare bill should have gone down to defeat; it is wrong for America. Yet, Nancy Pelosi gloated over the passage of the bill. It is all about control and the loss of freedom. It is loaded with tax increases and the so-called benefits to the plan do not go into effect until 2013. The cost of the plan will be in excess of a trillion dollars. Also, what gives them the right to force people to purchase healthcare insurance under the penalty of fine and imprisonment? I believe that would be unconstitutional.

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), the Democrats’ chief deputy whip in the House said “I am confident that when it comes back from the conference committee that that language won't be there.” So they put in an amendment in order to pass this atrocity only to remove the amendment from the final bill.

Republican Leader John Boehner asked Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA), Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel (D- NY), and Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller (D-CA), “If the House is to pass the Stupak amendment and this bill is to pass tonight and there is a vote in the conference committee on this issue, would you guarantee me that you will support the House-passed bill?” They all said they won’t guarantee they’ll support keeping Pro-Life language in the Final Health Care bill. SO WHY VOTE FOR IT?

Mr. Boehner, knowing that voting to pass this amendment was just a ruse to get the Healthcare bill passed; why did you and the Republicans vote for it? There were Democrats who said without the Stupak amendment this monstrosity of a healthcare bill would have gone down to defeat. It does not make sense to me when you say you are against this healthcare bill and then vote for an amendment that basically guarantees the bill will pass.

Greg Zotta

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