Monday, November 22, 2010

TSA =Typical Statist Agenda or Total Submissive Activity

Transportation Security Administration Chief John Pistole said the TSA has no plans to alter controversial screening practices, despite public outcry. Pistole said the most recent threat of explosives in computer equipment was discovered by intelligence not screening, which defeats his argument for the enhanced screening procedures, including the pat-downs. In addition, the underwear bomber was on a no-fly list and his father turned him in, yet he was still allowed on the plane.

So why is the government doing this? I understand why there are the new screening machines, because the powers that be, like Michael Chertoff are making money from them. What better way for your company to make money than to mandate it; i.e. make it a law. But why is our government causing angst among the people? I believe these new procedures were put in place to control the people; to keep the people on edge. The TSA should stand for Typical Statist Agenda or Total Submissive Activity.

One of Barack Hussein Obama’s Czar’s Cass Sunstein said, “Some Conservative Legal Thinkers like Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas Think that the Constitution means what it originally meant. That means we should understand the document by going into some kind of time machine and capturing the public understanding of the public that ratified the document a century or more than a century ago.” He also said, “Once we know that people are human and have some HOMER SIMPSON in them, then there is a lot that can be done to manipulate them.”

The Fourth Amendment states we are to be secure from unreasonable searches and seizures. The Government says they are doing this for our safety, however quoting Ben Franklin, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Hillary Clinton said she would not like to go through the enhanced pat-down, but she is not subjected to them because of her status, after all she is a member of the ruling class. Janet Napolitano stated, they are listening, but a lot of the information on the pat-downs are inaccurate. The people have seen the pictures and heard the stories, so who are you to believe, Napolitano or your lying eyes?

Thomas Jefferson said, “Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law' because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual.”

The answer for our safety is intelligence, i.e. PROFILING. Let’s focus on the bad guys. Otherwise what are next, body cavity searches? Jefferson also said, “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” There is a saying, how do you eat an elephant? Answer, one bite at a time i.e. incrementalism. How do you lose your freedom? You lose your freedom in increments, one small loss of freedom at a time. Stand up for your FREEDOM.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Response to Pat Martin’s Bitter Editorial Regarding Midterm Election

Pat Martin of the Leader Newspaper wrote an editorial dated November 4, 2010, regarding the 2010 midterm elections. The tone of the editorial was bitterness, perhaps because many of the candidates he endorsed lost.

He was complaining that many of the campaigns were running against National Demons, Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi. May I suggest to this so-called journalist to READ the Constitution, in which it gives the Federal Government enumerated powers and the Obama-Reid-Pelosi agenda was overstepping their bounds. This is why what happens nationally, affects what happens locally.

Martin states, “Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are prominent, unpopular Democrats, and they have been linked in negative Republican ads to every Democratic candidate in the universe. After all, who would want to be linked with our president, when the “far right” knows he is a well-known Kenyan socialist?” Obama is the one who said he wants to TRANSFORM America, and he wants to redistribute the wealth. Obama is a “Socialist,” and his policies are about CONTROL.

Pat Martin talks about the negative campaigns and then goes so far as playing the RACE card regarding the George Engelbach and Ron Casey campaign for the State Representative of Missouri, 103rd District. Martin writes the Missouri Republican State Committee sent out a late smear piece proclaiming, “It’s Frightening Who Ron Casey Chooses To Be Allied With.” I say, Casey is a Democrat, and who would you think he would be aligned with? Why would that be considered a smear?

Pat continues saying, “the piece was a Halloween-themed postcard with a picture of Casey sandwiched between Pelosi and a black and white photo of Obama, to make sure everyone got the idea that he’s an African-American. I’m sure there are some people who didn’t know.” After all, if you oppose Obama’s policies you are a “RACIST.” Anyway, whom are you referring to, Pat? I know in your warped, feeble little mind it is the Patriotic Tea-Partiers, because you have called them racists in the past. FYI, there have always been so-called negative campaigns in American politics. Check your history. Also, if it is factual it is not negative.

Pat Martin implies he is against negative campaigns. However, he failed to mention the ads sent out by the Democratic Committee, wherein they portray Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Patriots in a negative light. He also did not mention Russ Carnahan’s smear of Ed Martin regarding pedophile priests. The Carnahan campaign made false accusations against Ed Martin and then tried to cover-up the smear. The Post Dispatch (Disgrace) endorsed Russ Carnahan claiming that he has CHARACTER. The Post, obviously does not know the meaning of the word, because with this smear, Russ stooped so low he showed his lack of character.

Martin says, the Republicans seem to be better at Martin’s so-called five-legged stool of American political campaigning today, which is:

1. Distort. If that doesn’t work lie.

2. Scare.

3. Create guilt by association.

4. Assassinate character.

5. What am I for? Doggone it; I’m out of time and space.

He says, the Republican’s are better at the five-legged stool, “WHAT?” This is the hallmark of the Democrat/Statist’s agenda to win elections, i.e. they LIE, CHEAT and STEAL. The Democrat/Statists distanced themselves from the Obama agenda and did not run on their so-called accomplishments like Obamacare and Cap and Trade.

Martin continues, “When we don’t pay attention democracy suffers.” I agree with that. People were not paying attention when Barack Hussein Obama was elected President. Hope and Change? Obama did say he was going to TRANSFORM America, unfortunately, not enough people asked, “Into what?”

Martin writes, “Why is it this way? Because we allow it. We vote for people – or more accurately, against people –because of these negative ads, ads that are protected under the First Amendment, but which undermine the American character of a fair, informed citizenry. If we were informed, this junk wouldn’t work.” (Arrogance. It is the people’s will that the Democrats lost the House. They were not doing their job. It was about voting against people who are destroying the country but also about voting for people who follow the Constitution and want to do what is right for this country.)

The Freedom of the Press is also protected under the First Amendment and by putting a blind eye to the detrimental policies of the Obama Administration, Pat Martin is failing at his responsibilities afforded to him under the First Amendment of the Constitution, as being a watchdog over government.

Pat Martin, your headline “GOP-smacked, Republicans swarm County Council” shows your liberal bias. What did that headline mean? You endorsed 6 out of the seven Democrat County Council candidates that lost. What would your headline have read if the outcome would have been reversed?

I do agree that people should become more informed about the issues and the candidates prior to the election so they can make an informed decision on whom and what they are voting for. I encourage everyone to find out about the Candidates through reliable sources, such as alternative media websites, the candidate’s website, and the government sites to check their voting records, because unfortunately the so-called mainstream media and newspapers have become unreliable.

Martin says, the people are too lazy to be informed, but I ask Mr. Martin, you have the paper, what are YOU doing to inform the people, except to write biased stories on your opponents, the conservatives?

All of a sudden, with the election of many conservative Republican candidates, Pat Martin is concerned with holding them accountable to what they campaigned on. A worthwhile cause, something I have said all along and should be done with all elected officials, especially the Democrat/ Statists. On the other hand, what really irritates me is when the pundits or Representatives of the Parties talk about what they (Democrats or Republicans) have to do to stay in power or what the President has to do to be reelected in 2012, instead of being concerned for the American people.

My philosophy is to teach and encourage people to be self reliant and less dependent on government. Let the people keep their money. I want less government intrusion into citizens’ lives. What we need is for our leaders to follow the Constitution, limit government, listen to their constituents, actually read the legislation and cut out needless and duplicitous laws. By following those simple steps would make for a better America.

Greg Zotta

Friday, November 5, 2010

Letter to SLPD regarding Ed Martin & Russ Carnahan

It looks like Russ Carnahan was reelected to be the Representative for the Third Congressional District with the usual late vote tally from the City of St. Louis. Ed Martin is protesting the tally. Unfortunately, I do not believe anything will come of it. I sent off a letter to Tom Walsh and posted it to the discussion board in September when I found out the Association endorsed Russ Carnahan over Ed Martin. My question still remains, "What was the Association thinking when they endorsed Russ Carnahan?" Does it not trouble the Association that the votes Russ took regarding Obamacare, Cap and Trade, Financial (coercion) bill etc., which are DETRIMENTAL to the American citizens? Do you not question the $107 million of taxpayer's dollars he helped funnel to his brother Tom for his windfarm? Neither I nor Ed received a response from Tom about the endorsement. That is/was disappointing. I, along with Ed was asking the Association to at least talk to Ed to get his views on the issues first hand and then make an informed decision on whom to endorse. I do not understand the LOGIC of the Association's backing of Russ Carnahan. Not only for the reasons I mentioned above, which should be enough, but especially when Russ STOOPED so low with the SMEAR of Ed Martin regarding pedophile priests. These were FALSE accusations and the Post Disgrace endorsed Russ Carnahan claiming that he has CHARACTER. The Post, obviously does not know the meaning of the word, because with his SMEAR, Russ showed his LACK of character. After speaking with Ed the Association may have reconsidered the endorsement of Russ and then with the HELP of the SLPD there would have been a better outcome for the Third Congressional District. Anyway, if the vote count stands, Russ will be going back to Washington and be relegated to minority status in the US House and hopefully he will be FIRED in 2012.

Greg Zotta
Retired St. Louis Police Officer

Thank you

I would like to thank those who supported and voted for me in the election for MO State Senate District 22.

Greg Zotta

Friday, October 29, 2010

No Endorsement from the LEADER Newspaper for a Tea Party style “bomb thrower”

                  On October 27, 2010, Pat Martin, the Editor of the Imperial Leader Newspaper published his candidate endorsements for the upcoming election. He did not endorse me and that was to be expected since he stopped publishing my letters and endorsed my opponent, Ryan McKenna in the primary. That is why I did not waste my time meeting with him for an interview to find out who he was going to endorse. I guess he took exception to that.

                  As expected, Pat Martin endorsed Ryan McKenna, which is his prerogative, but in doing so he wrote that I was a Tea Party style “bomb thrower.” Apparently, Pat Martin is not very fond of the Tea-Party Patriots and uses the term as a pejorative. The Tea-Partiers stand for following the Constitution, limited government, reduce spending and limited taxation. Therefore, I would wear the term Tea-Partier as a badge of honor. In prior editorials, Pat Martin tried to demonize the term “conservative.” I responded with a letter to him, but he refused to print it. (Letter is Attached) After all it is his paper and he has Freedom of the Press to print what he wants to print.

                As for being “bomb throwers,” I do not know of any “bomb throwers” in the Tea Party. I am aware of a disgruntled staff worker of Russ Carnahan who did throw a fire-bomb at one of Carnahan’s offices. Another “bomb thrower” would be Barack Hussein Obama’s mentor Bill Ayers, who was a leader of the Weather Underground and was responsible for bombing buildings in the 60’s. Pat, you may not know that because you are an ardent supporter of President Obama and are blind to the facts of what he is doing to this country.

               Obama is the one who pits one group of Americans against another. He is a POLARIZING and DIVISIVE figure whose policies endanger American citizens. What would Pat say about Obama's call to arms to Hispanics and Latino’s to "Punish their Enemies," referring to American citizens who are concerned about their SAFETY. Then Obama sues a State for trying to protect their citizens, because he is lax in protecting them in violation of his oath of office. By putting a blind eye to the detrimental policies of the Obama Administration Pat Martin is failing at his responsibilities afforded to him under the First Amendment to the Constitution, as being a Watchdog over government.

               Another reason for not receiving his endorsement is because I say there are too many laws and criticized McKenna’s bill to ban texting while driving. He writes, “Apparently, the safety consideration hadn’t occurred to him.” As a former police officer I know safety is a factor, however when it comes to laws like this it is all about the money. There are Careless and Reckless Driving laws on the books that would cover texting while driving recklessly. The reason for a specific law is for the revenue. Some people can walk and chew gum at the same time, i.e. they can drive down the road in a safe manner and use a cell phone. With a primary texting or cell phone law the person could be driving safely and still be pulled over and cited. If on the other hand a person is on their cell phone and they are all over the road they can be cited for Reckless Driving by use of cell phone, or texting, or putting on makeup, or eating etc. It is the “Reckless driving” that is the “Safety Issue” and can be addressed without any additional laws.

               Governments get money through TAXES, FEES and FINES and that is why the Federal Government is making a push for this type of legislation (texting law) and holds the purse strings against the States to get it passed. Governments need the REVENUE and are coming up with all sorts of ways to get more money from the citizens.

               Obviously, Pat Martin has not read my blog or face-book or heard my speeches because he knows nothing about my positions. The irony is he calls himself an objective journalist, but in my case, does not bother to get the facts. My philosophy is to teach and encourage people to be self reliant and less dependent on government. I want less government intrusion into citizens’ lives. I believe in following the Constitution, limited government, listening to your constituents, actually reading legislation and cutting out needless and duplicitous laws. I encourage everyone to find out about the Candidates through reliable sources prior to the election so they can make an informed decision about the people who will affect their lives. The citizens of this state and country need people like me to stand up to the Statists/Bullies. There is much work to be done to get America back on track and it starts with electing common sense conservatives to be representatives for the people.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

                                                   "Conservatives" v. "Liberals"

               Pat Martin of the Imperial Leader Newspaper wrote an editorial about "Conservatives" and "Liberals" trying to demonize Conservatives. The following is a letter I wrote to him, which he did not print.

               Patrick Martin, in your editorial you compared Conservatives and Liberals and stated Conservatives are proud of the label, where Liberals are not. “Liberals” prefer to call themselves progressives, and why not, it’s such a nice term, progress, who could be against that. In reality, they should be called what they are oppressors, Socialists, or Statists. I got the sense you were trying to demonize conservatives with your statements of what Conservatives should say (but only think the material in parenthesis).

               You wrote, I am pro-life and support the Second Amendment (even though the job I’m running for has nothing to do with abortion or guns). If someone does not care about the sanctity of life, how can you be sure they have the moral character to make the right decisions? The Second Amendment is in the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land. People have a God given right to protect themselves and their families, unless you live in a city like New York or Chicago run by Statists Bloomberg and Daley.

               You wrote, I am for enforcing immigration laws (even though my great-grandfather was an immigrant…). The key word you forget to mention is LEGAL immigration. The Statists DO NOT CARE about illegal immigrants, they promote amnesty to garner their vote.

               You wrote, I am for less or smaller government (even though I reserve the right to reach into your pocket by accepting my salary…). Their pay is stipulated in the Constitution.

              You wrote, I am for lower taxes (who isn’t). Democrats, but they have a tendency of not wanting to pay them, Tim Geithner, Charlie Rangel, Tom Daschle.

               The Democrat/Statists are for bigger government, raising taxes, increased spending and amnesty; where Conservatives believe in following the Constitution, limited government, (not no government), and less taxes, let the people keep their money.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Monday, October 25, 2010

Response to Leader Story

Kim Robertson of the Imperial Leader Newspaper did a story on me for the upcoming election. She called again and said they did some digging and found that I was arrested for a DWI in 2009 and wanted to know if I would comment on it. I informed her that issue was resolved and was supposed to be sealed.

I asked her what did that have to do with the election or the issues? She stated her readers would want to know and that there are other candidates in this election with similar issues. I informed her that I should not have been arrested and I would post my explanation of the incident on my blog. She stated she would note that in the follow-up story.

In December 2008, I had left a party where I had a few beers. I was not intoxicated and was driving home. It was around 1:00a.m. when I was travelling southbound on I-55 in the center lane and was passing another vehicle, which was on my right. I drive defensively and moved over into the left lane while I passed the vehicle. I do this to give myself room to react if the vehicle came into my lane. All of a sudden there was a car with their bright lights on right up on my bumper. I did not know what the driver of the vehicle was trying to do and thought he was a drunk. After travelling a short distance with the vehicle still riding my bumper I tried to take evasive action and changed lanes in the hope the vehicle would drive by. After changing lanes the vehicle changed lanes with me still riding my bumper with the bright lights on. Red lights then came on and I realized it was a police officer in the vehicle behind me. Immediately, I cautiously pulled over to the shoulder of the road. I turned on my dome light and waited for the officer to approach my vehicle.

The officer asked me to exit the vehicle to which I complied. I informed him that I was a retired police officer and was headed home. The officer asked me where I was coming from and if I had been drinking. I told him I had left a party where I had a few beers, but I am not intoxicated. He asked me why I was driving into the other lane. I told him I drive defensively especially this time at night. He stated he had a ride along reporter with him in his vehicle and when he spotted my vehicle changing lanes he told him “we’ve got a drunk.” I told him I thought he was a drunk the way he came up on my vehicle riding my bumper with the bright lights on. He told me that since I had the ride along with him he had to do something and asked if I would take some sobriety tests. I agreed.

It was very dark where we had stopped and he shined his flashlight into my eyes and told me that was one of the tests, to check my eyes. He asked me to recite my ABC’S and I did with no mistakes. He then asked me to walk a straight line, heal-to-toe, to which I complied and walked a straight line. He then asked me to stand on one foot and extend my other leg without losing my balance. I told him I had a bad ankle. I tried to hold my leg out and maintain my balance, but could not. After all, I am not a ballerina.

He told me I failed the eye test and the one-legged balance test. He stated he had to do something because he had a reporter with him and that he was going to arrest me. He then placed me under arrest and read me my rights. Therefore, I claimed my right under the Fifth Amendment and refused to answer any more questions. He locked up my truck, conveyed me to the station, where I was booked for DWI and Improper Lane Usage and released.

I contacted my attorney and informed him of the incident. After consultation I was advised to plead guilty to which I did. I paid a fine, did community service, was put on probation and the record was supposed to be sealed.

I should not have been arrested; however, I was stopped by a young officer who told his ride-along reporter that “We’ve got a Drunk.” I guess he did not want to be proved wrong in front of the reporter. I am not an alcoholic, I drink on rare occasions and I do not drive drunk.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

To the St. Louis Police Officers Association:Endorsements

My name is Greg Zotta and I am a retired St. Louis Police Officer. On September 24, 2010, I attended the League of Women Voters Candidate forum held at Forest Park Community College, where Russ Carnahan, Ed Martin, and Nicholas Ivanovich, the Candidates for the Third Congressional District of Missouri answered questions posed to them by concerned citizens. As I drove past the Police Association’s headquarters I saw a Russ Carnahan sign in front of the building. Apparently, the Police Association has endorsed Russ Carnahan to remain the US Representative for the Third Congressional District of Missouri. I have just one question for you, “What are you thinking?”

It is the Democrats that are pushing for City control over the St. Louis Police Department in order to steal your pension. The Democrat/Statists are bankrupting this country and are burdening our children with massive amount of debt. Russ has voted for all of the Obama agenda without reading the bills.

Russ Carnahan voted for Obamacare, which will destroy the greatest healthcare system in the world. Obamacare was about CONTROL, not healthcare and it was forced upon us. Peoples premiums will go up and the care will go down; there will be rationing. Other things in Obamacare, which have nothing to do with healthcare are: a 3.8% sales tax on the sale of your home, 1099 forms will have to be completed for sales above $600, and the takeover of Student Loans. There is a lot more in it, after all Nancy Pelosi stated, they had to pass the bill to find out what’s in the bill. Furthermore, Obamacare is unconstitutional. He supported the bailout of GM and Chrysler, which as a condition of the bailout thousands of profitable auto dealerships were forced to close costing jobs. He supports Cap and Trade, which will cause our energy prices to skyrocket and make it difficult to sell your home. He supports the moratorium on offshore drilling, costing more jobs. He supports amnesty for illegal immigrants. There is a Value-added tax on their agenda. He helped funnel $107 million to his brother Tom for a wind farm.

Russ Carnahan’s sign says, “Russ delivers for us.” Unfortunately, what he’s delivered are Higher Taxes, More Regulation, and Higher Unemployment and if the Statists get their way Higher Energy Costs and more loss of Freedom. Russ is a rubberstamp for Obama’s radical agenda.

You cannot like the direction this country is headed. There is much work to be done to get America back on track and it starts with electing common sense conservatives to be the people’s representatives. Therefore, I ask you to reconsider your endorsement of Russ Carnahan and take a look at Ed Martin to represent the citizens of the Congressional Third District of Missouri. Check out his website or face book page to find out about his positions or you can contact him for an interview.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Friday, September 17, 2010


I find it interesting and funny the way the Statists try to justify the stimulus and all their other spending plans by saying, "Yeah, but it would have been a lot worse if they didn't pass it." They saved the US from going into a depression. They also say the Stimulus "Saved or Created" jobs, and now they are resorting to "Lives Touched." These statements cannot be quantified; they are a figment of their imagination.

Obama claims the country is headed in the right direction under his plan. The Stimulus plan was sold by the Statists by saying with the passage of it unemployment would not go above 8%. It rose to above 10% and is now at 9.6% and that is by using the new accounting methods. The GDP was at 5+%, a few quarters ago, then it was 3+ percent the next quarter, and is 1.6% the latest quarter. Let’s see, GDP is shrinking and unemployment is rising and Obama tells us the country is headed in the right direction. I don’t think he “Gets It.”

One of the reasons for the high unemployment is the "UNCERTAINTY" coming out of Washington with all the new TAXES and REGULATIONS. I do not believe they have begun writing some of the regulations in the new Financial Regulation (Coercion) Bill. They also mishandled the housing crisis. Then there is Obamacare, Cap and Trade and more taxes and regulation coming in the future. In December, Obama's financial Committee will be giving their recommendations on how to reduce the debt and deficit, watch for the "Value Added Tax."

Another reason for high unemployment is some corporations are trying to do more with less. They can do that for a while, but eventually the overworked employees begin to burn out and productivity suffers. The corporations would then begin to start hiring again, if they are “Smart.”

A good way to get the economy going would be to reduce taxes. I’d prefer to go to a “Flat” tax, but for now a reduction would do. Let the people keep more of their money, to spend as they see fit. Then cut government spending and reduce the burdensome and duplicitous regulations imposed on businesses. Repeal Obamacare and rework Healthcare, eliminate Cap and Trade Legislation and redo the financial regulation bill. Take away the CLOUD of UNCERTAINTY that is hanging over the heads of businesses and the economy will improve.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22


“Let me be clear,” Barack Hussein Obama probably will not rest and will be laser focused on jobs, unless he gets the urge to go on another vacation. He has a plan to spend $50 billion repairing roads and railways to boost jobs. The problem with that is the different states have a budget and plans already in place for road repairs. Also, the money should have come for the tax on gasoline, but the government has already spent that money when they put it in the general revenue fund. He wants another $100 billion for research and development tax credits, which will be paid for by eliminating other tax loopholes. Once again, the government through the tax system picks winners and losers.

Let’s see how Obama has really affected the job market. They mishandled the housing crisis, causing the housing market to collapse.Thousands of jobs were lost when they took over the Student Loan Program with the passage of Obamacare. The actions and statements made by the Obama Administration negatively impacted the hotel, convention and tourism industry costing jobs when he said the American people need to tighten their belts and they should not be going to Vegas. His Administration also demonized corporations for having “lavish” conventions, so much so, that many corporations canceled their convention with some paying a cancellation penalty. Then Obama forced the closing of many profitable auto dealerships when they took over GM and Chrysler, costing more jobs. He has called for a moratorium on offshore drilling. These actions not only affect the primary business, but it also affects the ancillary businesses, such as the bars, restaurants, ferries, movie theatres and other forms of entertainment, costing even more jobs. Therefore, it is the Obama Administration and his policies that have caused unemployment to rise. Then again, what did you expect when you have a Community Agitator as President?

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Support Christine O'Donnell

To Karl Rove, Charles Krauthammer, Mike Castle: whatever happened to Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment, thou shall not speak ill of a fellow Republican. They have been trashing Christine O’Donnell after she won the primary against Mike Castle. They say she is unelectable and that with her victory, the Republican Party lost a sure seat in the Senate because Castle would have won in the General election. They claim this election was most important to win, in order for the Republican’s to take back the Senate to turn back the Obama agenda. They say, we’ll just see if she can win in the General election. If winning that seat is most important I ask them, what are they going to do to HELP her WIN? The National Republican Senatorial Committee stated they were not going to support O’Donnell until they were inundated with emails against their decision and they subsequently, reversed their decision.

Mike Castle was not a conservative Republican. He would not debate O’Donnell. He is for Cap and Trade and said he would not support the repeal of Obamacare. After the election, he did not call to congratulate O’Donnell, instead he released another hit piece on her and chastised the voters of Delaware for not electing him. Castle showed no class by his actions. Furthermore, we do not need anymore RINO’s in the Republican Party. Christine O’Donnell was the more conservative candidate and she won the primary. I too believe it is very important to get control of Congress to stop Obama’s radical agenda. Therefore, I say stop the attacks and name-calling and get on board and HELP Christine O’Donnell defeat her Marxist Democrat opponent and PET of Harry Reid, Coons.

Greg Zotta

Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Monday, August 30, 2010

Taliban Using the Ground Zero Mosque for Recruitment

The Taliban says they hope the building of the mosque at Ground Zero is denied so they can use it as a recruitment tool against the “Great Satan,” the United States of America. What else is new? The Taliban has the best of both worlds regarding the Ground Zero mosque, because they will be able to recruit whether it is built or not. If it is built, it will be a “Victory Mosque,” a symbol to the Muslim world of their conquest of 9/11, which would be a slap in the face to the American people. If it were not built, the Taliban would use it as a recruitment tool claiming America (The Great Satan) is Islamaphobic. The building of the mosque is nothing more than a provocation. On September 11, 2001, violent radical jihadists attacked America. America is not necessarily at war with Islam; however, Islam is at war with America.

Islam is not just a religious system; it is also a military and political system. Sharia law is not compatible with the US Constitution. The goal is World Islam. The Muslim Brotherhood calls for a “Civilization-Jihadist Process,” in which they would destroy the Western civilization from within. Radical Muslims believe Americans are infidels; and the infidels will have to convert to Islam, be enslaved or be killed. They state, we do not want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy. That is what we want.

The United States is a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles and we tolerate other religions like Islam. In the Christian faith, it is a sin to commit murder and you can go to Hell. In Islam, if you kill the infidel and die in the action you are martyred and promised paradise and 72 Virgins. We do not want to become a Muslim nation and put under Sharia law and Honor Killings. That is why we must remain vigilant to protect our freedom.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for Mo. Senate 22

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dr. Laura Set Up

Dr Laura was set up by "Jade', (not her real name). She has nothing to apologize for. She was talking about facts that black comics use the N-word all the time. Then "Jade" tells Dr Laura she cannot use the N-word because she is white. Sarah Palin may not have heard Dr Laura's remarks when she was selected as VP, or she may not hold a grudge. What Sarah does do is stand up for what is RIGHT.

Embeding the video was removed. Questions for CNN (Communist News Network), whose by-line is now getting the straight story. Why did she use an assumed name, "Jade?" How did CNN get in touch with "Jade"? What does she do for a living? Is she an activist? Jade brought up the N-word and did set up Dr Laura. Dr Laura made the point that black comics use the N-word. Jade says white people cannot use the N-word. Jade claims Dr Laura got caught saying it, yet Jade brought up the word and said it herself during the call.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

No to Ground Zero Mosque

On September 11, 2001, violent radical jihadists attacked America. Now, there is a call to build a mosque at Ground Zero in New York with the support of several misguided Statists. The building of the mosque is nothing more than a provocation and would be a symbol to the world of their conquest of 9/11. We are not necessarily at war with Islam; however, Islam is at war with us.

New York Governor David Paterson offered the developer of the controversial Ground Zero mosque a compromise for the proposed Islamic community center and mosque with suitable state property that is farther away from the site. The offer was rejected.

Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man behind the mosque at Ground Zero refuses to admit that Hamas is a terrorist organization, that U.S. policies encourage people to become jihadists, and that U.S. was an accessory to 9/11. He also believes the U.S. should become more Sharia compliant.

Rauf calls himself a bridge-builder, yet he is unwilling to compromise on the building site. He is more of a provocateur than a bridge-builder. Therefore, you must question what his true intentions are. Remember, it is all right to lie to the infidel to promote Islam.

Instead of finding out where the funding is coming from or questioning Imam Rauf’s beliefs, President Barack Hussein Obama rewards him with an appointment to the State Department to be a mediator between the United States and the Muslims in the Middle East. Rauf will be paid by the United States to travel to the Middle East on a religious outreach program. P.J.Crowley of the State Department said, Rauf would not be allowed to raise funds for the proposed center during the trip. Yeah, RIGHT.

This mosque should not be built there. It is an "in your face" to the American people.

King Bloomberg defends the building of the mosque on first amendment grounds of religious freedom. Too bad, he forgets there is more than the first amendment, such as the second amendment, which he opposes. He has denounced calls to look into the group's funding. Why? Which makes you wonder why he is in support of the mosque, what is in it for him? After all, he is King because he coerced the New York legislators to make an exception to the term limit law so he could spend over $100 million to remain the Mayor of New York.

King Bloomberg, along with all the other Statists are wrong in their support and endorsement of the mosque being built at “Ground Zero.” Islam is not just a religion; it is a religious system, a political system and a military system. The goal is World Islam. The Muslim Brotherhood calls for a “Civilization-Jihadist Process,” in which they would destroy the Western civilization from within. Radical Muslims believe Americans are infidels; and the infidels will have to convert to Islam, be enslaved or be killed. They state, we do not want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy. That is what we want. Look at what has been happening in Germany, Great Britain and France.

The United States is a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles and we tolerate other religions like Islam. In the Christian faith, it is a sin to commit murder and you can go to Hell. In Islam, if you kill the infidel and die in the action you are martyred and promised paradise and 72 Virgins. We do not want to become a Muslim nation and put under Sharia law and Honor Killings. That is why we must remain vigilant to protect our freedom.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for Mo. Senate 22

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

DNC Attack Ad?

The ad is an attack on the Patriotic Tea-Party protesters who want to avail themselves of their First Amendment Rights. Then the ad ends with GET THE FACTS. Obamacare is about CONTROL, not healthcare, and will be more costly, less healthcare and a bureacratic nightmare; Social Security is BANKRUPT, people need to have their own account; Medicare is BANKRUPT, needs to be changed; Extend tax cuts, when people are allowed to keep more of their money and spend it on what they want stimulates the economy and puts people back to work; Wall Street reform is about CONTROL and coercion, it did not address Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, or the corrupt architects of the bill Dodd and Frank; BP was shook down by the Obama administration and his man is delaying payments to the Gulf residents; the Departments are abusing their power, which is detrimental to America, Children are being indoctrinated in school, there is not a good energy policy and is overly regulated, and the EPA wants to implement Cap and Trade. The majority of the American people do not want this country TRANSFORMED into a Socialist State. So, I say it is the RIGHT BLUEPRINT for the country.
Thanks DNC.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Charles Jaco Fake News

Conservatives v. Liberals

Pat Martin of the Imperial Leader wrote an editorial about "Conservatives" and "Liberals" trying to demonize Conservatives. The following is a letter I wrote to him, let's see if he prints it.

Patrick Martin, in your editorial you compared Conservatives and Liberals and stated Conservatives are proud of the label, where Liberals are not. “Liberals” prefer to call themselves progressives, and why not, it’s such a nice term, progress, who could be against that. In reality, they should be called what they are oppressors, Socialists, or Statists.

I got the sense you were trying to demonize conservatives with your statements of what Conservatives should say (but only think the material in parenthesis).

You wrote, I am pro-life and support the Second Amendment (even though the job I’m running for has nothing to do with abortion or guns). If someone does not care about the sanctity of life, how can you be sure they have the moral character to make the right decisions? The Second Amendment is in the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land. People have a God given right to protect themselves and their families, unless you live in a city like New York or Chicago run by Statists Bloomberg and Daley.

You wrote, I am for enforcing immigration laws (even though my great-grandfather was an immigrant…). The key word you forget to mention is LEGAL immigration. The Statists DO NOT CARE about illegal immigrants, they promote amnesty to garner their vote.

You wrote, I am for less or smaller government (even though I reserve the right to reach into your pocket by accepting my salary…). Their pay is stipulated in the Constitution.

You wrote, I am for lower taxes (who isn’t). Democrats, but they have a tendency of not wanting to pay them, Tim Geithner, Charlie Rangel, Tom Daschle.

The Democrat/Statists are for bigger government, raising taxes, increased spending and amnesty; where Conservatives believe in following the Constitution, limited government, (not no government), and less taxes, let the people keep their money.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Sad Day in the United States of America

It is a sad day in the United States of America when the Obama Administration and the Federal Government stands against a State that wants to protect its citizens.On July 28, 2010, Judge Susan Bolton, a Clinton Appointee, issued an injunction against the State of Arizona from implementing SB 1070, the Arizona Immigration Law.

When the ruling was released a CNN reporter was giddy stating the Obama Administration is not popping champagne corks yet, but it is a win for them. How is it a win for them? Governor Jan Brewer and the Arizona Legislators passed a law to protect their citizens. A good LEADER would have reached out to the Governor to help with this illegal invasion. Instead, the Obama Administration is basically opposed to Arizonans protecting themselves, because they filed suit against the Arizona law. President Barack Hussein Obama is a polarizing and divisive figure; and he is in violation of the Constitution he swore to uphold.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Friday, July 23, 2010

Silencing of the Truth Tellers

The NAACP posted the following on their website: The video of Shirley Sherrod released by Andrew Brietbart's Big Government Blog on July 19 didn't tell the full story. It was selectively edited to cast her in a negative light.

Andrew Breitbart is being portrayed as a villain in this incident because he posted the video on his website. Breitbart said the Shirley Sherrod video was about the NAACP not her. He said the NAACP called the Tea-Party Protesters racists and are still saying some black Congressman were called the N-word at the Capitol during the healthcare protest. These are false claims and Breibart has a $100,000 reward for any video proof of the allegations. No one has collected the reward, even though Jesse Jackson Jr. video-taped the walk.

People are claiming the Sherrod video was taken out of context; that Sherrod was talking about a parable that changed her viewpoint on race relations. The video was from a speech Shirley Sherrod made on March 27, 2010, at the 20th Annual NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet. In it she says, …“The first time I was faced with a having to help a white farmer save his farm…He took a long time talking, but he was trying to show me he was superior to me…But he had to come to me for help. What he didn’t know was …I was trying to decide how much help to give him.” (laughter) Although, the context of what Shirley was saying was not yet revealed,the crowd started laughing. I believe what Breibart was trying to say was that the video was about the NAACP and their reaction of laughter when she made the statement.

In the same speech Sherrod said, “I haven’t seen such mean-spirited people as I’ve seen lately over this issue of healthcare. Some of the racism we thought was buried; didn’t it surface. Now we endured eight years of the Bushes and we didn’t do the stuff these Republicans are doing because we have a black President.” Because you oppose Obama’s radical policies in his efforts to “spread the wealth,” you are called a RACIST.

On July 22,2010, Shirley Sherrod was on the John King show on CNN. King asked her, “If you had 30 seconds with Andrew Breitbart, what would you say?” Sherrod responded, “I’d tell him he’s a lie. He knew exactly what effect that would have on the conservative racist people he’s dealing with. That’s why I started getting the hate mail and hate calls.”

The Obama Administration, Statists, NAACP and the so-called Main-Stream Media want to marginalize and silence the Tea-Party movement, Andrew Breitbart, Fox News and Glen Beck with false claims of racism and telling lies. Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sarah Palin on Mosque and the Statists

On July 18, 2010, Sarah Palin Tweeted, "Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing."

Bloomberg’s aide Andrea Batista Schlesinger tweeted back “@SarahPalinUSA mind your business," and followed that up with: "@SarahPalinUSA whose hearts? Racist hearts?"

Well Ms. Schlesinger, it is America’s business. We were attacked by violent radical jihadists. We are not necessarily at war with Islam; however, Islam is at war with us. When Statists cannot discuss the merits of an argument, they resort to name-calling. Pitiful!

King Bloomberg defends the building of the mosque on first amendment grounds of religious freedom. Too bad, he forgets there is more than the first amendment, such as the second amendment, which he opposes.He has denounced calls to look into the group's funding. Why? He is a King because he coerced the New York legislators to make an exception to the term limit law so he could spend over $100 million to remain the Mayor of New York. You have to question why he is in support of the mosque, what is in it for him?

King Bloomberg is wrong on his endorsement of the mosque being built at “Ground Zero.” Islam is not just a religion; it is a religious system, a political system and a military system. The Muslim Brotherhood calls for a “Civilization-Jihadist Process,” in which they would destroy the Western civilization from within. Radical Muslims believe Americans are infidels; and the infidels will have to convert to Islam, be enslaved or be killed.They state, we do not want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy. That is what we want.

This mosque would be a symbol to the world of their conquest of 9/11 and should not be built there. It is an "in your face" to the American people.

The United States is a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles and we tolerate other religions like Islam, but we do not want to become a Muslim nation and put under Sharia law and Honor Killings. That is why we must remain vigilant to protect our freedom.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for Mo. Senate 22

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Social Security

Social Security was never meant to be paid out. FDR set it up as a slush fund. When it was started, the life expectancy for males was 61.4 years and for females, it was 65.7 years. They made the retirement age 65. These Politicians/Statists solutions to the problem with Social Security are to raise the retirement age, raise taxes, cut benefits or a combination of the three. Who are they to say when you can retire? People should be able to retire when they want to retire if they have the funds to do it. If people had their own retirement account they could retire when they wanted to. The way the system is set up now, bureaucrats have to much control over people's lives. My parents both worked all of their lives and retired on Social (In) Security. My father was receiving approximately $1400 a month and my mother $1200 a month. When my father died, my mother had to return the $1400 and received a $275 death benefit. She then began to receive $1400 a month, instead of the $1200 she had been receiving. She not only had to suffer the loss of her soul mate, but the household income was virtually cut in half, because of the tragedy of death. THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! Everyone should have their own account that is set up to their risk tolerance. Families should not loose any of their retirement (estate) money because of a death; it should stay within the family.

Social Security is a PONZI scheme and needs to be eliminated over time, wherein people have their own accounts. Therefore, the solution is to take care of the people that were hoodwinked into the system and continue to pay their benefits. Then ween everyone else off of the system over time. That means the young people entering the work force would set up their own retirement account, but would have to contribute some extra to take care of grandma and grandpa. Organizations like the AARP want to keep the staus quo, where it is based on workers in the work force. A system that is bankrupting Social Security. It took the country 75 years to get to this point and it will take some time to fix the problem. The Bureaucrats are set up with their lavish pension system and are not on Social Security. These Statists in Congress want to keep control over the system, because they want control over our lives and a slush fund.

My suggestion is to immediately set up a system to take care of the people who are on it and ween the others off. Therefore, the moral and just thing to do is to have everyone have their own account and in control of their lives.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Another Obama LIE

Kathleen Sebelius assured. “These awards are being made on a case-by-case basis. There is no general plan that routinely authorizes federal funds to be used for abortions.”

Stupak said, “Staffers may have been unaware of his Executive Order or may not have read it. I know I didn’t read it. Heck, I didn’t have time to read much more than a small fraction of the healthcare bill itself before we voted on it.”

There is no general plan just a case-by-case basis.So far three states have federally funded abortions, (case-by-case basis). However, they claim Obama has not gone back on his deal, he did sign an executive order; it just is not being adhered to. I guess Stupak (Stupid) is justifying what is taking place to clear his conscience. What a HYPOCRITE!! I called and wrote his office prior to the vote stating executive orders on not worth the paper that they are written on. He voted on it anyway and now to this day said he did not read the massive bill. Obamacare was a power grab and about CONTROL.These Statists are a JOKE and need to be FIRED.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Thursday, July 15, 2010

O'Reilly, NAACP and the Tea-Party

On the O’Reilly Factor, July 15, 2010, O’Reilly was discussing the NAACP and racial politics in regards to the Tea-Party movement. They talked about a billboard that was put up by the Iowa Tea-Party that depicts Obama as a Democratic Socialist, surrounded by a Nazi Socialist in Hitler and a Marxist Socialist in Lenin. He stated if the Iowa Tea-Party put up the sign with a Hitler mustache on Obama that is an atrocity, period. The fact that they put it up disqualifies them. Really? There was not a Hitler mustache on Obama in the sign. In Obama’s own words, he has talked about the redistribution of wealth and several of his Democrat/Statists colleagues have called themselves Socialists. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is designated as a Socialist who caucuses with the Democrat Party. So Bill, Obama is a Socialist. However, the Iowa Tea-Party has removed the sign.

Greg Zotta

Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Why Racial Problems Exist in America

Marc Lamont Hill was on the O’Reilly Factor, July 14, 2010, and the discussion was on the NAACP calling the Tea-Party Protesters racists. Yet, the NAACP does not denounce the racist rhetoric coming from Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, or Samir Shabazz nor does Hill.

Hill claims he never heard anything racist from Jeremiah Wright and defends his First Amendment right to speak out. Try checking out videos of Wright on You-Tube.

Ben Jealous, President of the NAACP said,Tea-Partiers were carrying signs with slogans to lynch President Obama and lynch Eric Holder and the NAACP is calling for the Tea-Partiers to expel the racists. Hill said, a strong case can be made that racism exists in the Tea-Party, and those types of signs endanger the life of the President. O’Reilly said there is no evidence of the signs. Hill responded, “Just because you haven’t seen it” (the signs), implying just because you haven’t seen the signs doesn’t mean they don’t exist.” What??

Hill said the New Black Panther Party did not endorse the statement of Samir Shabazz calling for killing crackers and white babies. The action of what took place at that voting precinct was not even endorsed by the New Black Panther Party. When O’Reilly stated there are videos where Samir’s actions were endorsed, Hill claims he did not see that video.

Then he brings up the incident in Washington D.C. where several black Democrat representatives claimed they were called the N-word while walking through the crowd prior to the healthcare vote.These representatives made the false claim of being called the N-word. They are LIARS! They taped the whole walk. If they had anyone on the tape calling them the N-word, the so-call Main-Stream Media would loop it repeatedly. Instead, the media and Hill are perpetuating the lies. Remember, Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Hill states, the NAACP is a black advocating organization, and if the point of the organization is to defend black people why should they be out there beating up on the New Black Panther Party. (Justifying voter intimidation and death threats). The NAACP is designed to protect people of color; it is for the advancement of colored people.

For Hill’s information, the NAACP’s website states the following:


The mission of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate race-based discrimination.

Vision Statement

The vision of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights without discrimination based on race.

Apparently, the NAACP has forgotten their Mission and Vision statement.

Marc Lamont Hill has a PH.D.(Piled High and Deep), and teaches African-American Studies at Columbia University. When he refuses to acknowledge racism coming from the NAACP, Farrakhan, Wright, Shabazz or Samir, you have to ask, who are the REAL RACISTS? You wonder why race relations are not improving when people like Hill have this kind of mindset. The bigger question is, “What is he teaching our children?”

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels said, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” Now, the NAACP is calling the patriotic Tea-Party protesters RACISTS. They are trying to silence anyone who opposes Obama’s policies by demonizing them.

In Washington D.C. several black Democrat representatives claimed they were called the N-word while walking through the crowd prior to the healthcare vote. They purposely walked through the crowd hoping something would happen. When nothing happened, they made the false claim of being called the N-word. They are LIARS! Because they taped the whole walk. If they had anyone on the tape calling them the N-word it would be looped over and over again by the so-call Main-Stream Media. Instead, the lies are being perpetuated by the media.

Ben Jealous of the NAACP stated Tea-Partiers were carrying signs with slogans to lynch President Obama and lynch Eric Holder. Another LIE. If there were such signs the Secret Service would have been involved.

The Obama Administration’s Justice Department, led by Eric Holder refused to prosecute members of the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation. J. Christian Adams, who resigned from the Justice Department, stated the Justice Department dropped the case for racial reasons. Adams claims the administration has failed to prosecute non-whites when it comes to voting intimidation cases. Barack Hussein Obama is a divisive and polarizing figure, who is tearing this country apart. So, who are the REAL RACISTS?

The Tea-Party protesters are patriots exercising their First Amendment Rights and are opposed to Obama’s vision of transforming America. It is a good thing there are alternate sources of information out there to get the TRUTH.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Give em Hell, Sheriff Joe Arpaio

 The Union pinhead, Stewart Asscup said, this is a Nation of Immigrants. Yes, but LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and there is a pathway to citizenship. The Union leaders are pushing for Amnesty so they can increase their roles and collect more dues so they can enrich themselves. Being a sovereign nation means, we are also a Nation of Laws. What Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Governor Jan Brewer are trying to do is protect their citizens something the Obama administration is reluctant to do. Don't forget, Obama took an oath of office, which he is in violation of, to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.

What should be done is to enforce the laws already on the books, which includes securing the border, enforce the laws against the illegal immigrants and the employers, and deport those who are here illegally. Then you can work on streamlining the process to let legal immigrants into this country.They would have to learn and speak English and assimilate into the American culture. Corporations can then stop putting up dual language signs that are added costs to the citizens of this country due to the immigration problem.

Some people want "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" (Amnesty). These people claim the US cannot deport all of the illegal immigrants.They say they would have the illegal immigrants go to the back of the line. When pressed for a clarification as to where the back of the line is, they reluctantly say their old country. Wouldn't that be DEPORTATION? You do not reward people for BAD BEHAVIOR, because what do you tell the people that gained access to this country legally? To all the UNION leaders the key word is LEGAL.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Monday, June 28, 2010

Anti-gun Daley Upset with Supreme Court Gun Ruling

Mayor Daley was unhappy with the 5-4 Supreme Court decision, McDonald v. City of Chicago, striking down Chicago’s gun ban, returning it to the lower court for a final decision. Daley said the city would have in place a new ordinance aimed at making it difficult to purchase and own a gun in Chicago and stated,"We are a country of laws not a nation of guns."

Strange though, I thought the second amendment to the Constitution (the supreme law of the land) states, …“the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” I guess Daley believes like so many Statists that they do not have to follow the Constitution. Mayor Daley and Statists like him apparently, only want to follow laws they agree with. They either ignore the law, bribe the legislature to change the law or exempt their Statist from the law, as they did with King Michael Bloomberg of New York on term limits.

Keep in mind, the second amendment was put in place to keep an overreaching government from becoming tyrannical. The Declaration of Independence states:

…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,…

…when a long train of abuses and usurpation's, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…

Mayor Daley has armed bodyguards. So, why do people like him want to prevent law-abiding citizens the ability to defend themselves and their families?  People have a God given right to protect themselves and their family. The American people need to wake up and fire Statists like Daley.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Obama Administration and the First Amendment

Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted, “You lie,” to President Barack Hussein Obama while the President was giving a speech to Congress. Even though Obama was lying, Wilson was forced to apologize for his outburst.

The Obama administration forced BP to set up a 20 Billion dollar fund to pay for the claims in the Gulf and another 100 million dollar fund to pay for the idled workers caused by Obama’s moratorium on drilling for oil. Joe Barton called the event a shakedown. After which, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) and House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence (R-Ind.) condemned the remarks, forced Barton to apologize, and retract the statement, even though what the Obama administration did amounted to extortion or a shakedown. Just remember, if the Obama administration can shakedown a billion dollar company that has lawyers, they can do it to you (the private individual). In reality, they have with Obamacare.

Senator Jon Kyle of Arizona says Obama told him his administration would lose leverage to get passed Comprehensive Immigration Reform (AKA Amnesty) if they would secure the borders. Obama sent out his spokesperson to say he did not say that and Senator Kyle is a liar. Now, is Senator Kyle going to be silenced and forced to apologize? 

I do not understand the Republican Party silencing their colleagues when they are telling the truth.The Republican Party needs to get a spine and stand up to this administration. The first amendment of the Constitution states, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of the speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peaceably to assemble and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Obama’s policies are detrimental to the citizens of this country. He was slow to react to the oil crisis and he refuses to secure the borders. In doing so, Obama has violated his oath of office and the Senators should look to impeach him.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

BP, Obama and the Oil Crisis

President Barack Hussein Obama was late in his response to the oil leak crisis in the Gulf. He was either incompetent and did not know what to do or he was lax in the response to push forward his agenda. (Remember; never let a good crisis go to waste). Either way it shows what a poor leader he is, but then again what did you expect when a Community Organizer is put in charge to run the country. A LEADER leads, but a Community Organizer agitates.

Some people are calling the Obama Administration a Regime because his administration uses bribes and intimidation to push through their agenda. Barack Obama bribed two Representatives from California with the promise of turning on 25% of the water to the farmlands, which had been turned off due to EPA regulations in return for their vote on Obamacare. His administration bribed Representative Joe Sestak with a job if he would drop out of the Senate race against Senator Arlen Spector. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar stated, “We’re going to keep our boot on the throat of BP.”

People like Bill O’Reilley want to give President Obama a pass on the oil spill stating, “What more could he have done?” What more could he have done? He could have been a LEADER. The Presidents prime responsibility is to protect and defend the citizens of the United States. The governments responsibility would be to contain and cleanup the spill to minimize the damage. Wasn’t he supposed to be a lawyer? Apparently not a very good one because the first thing people are supposed to do is mitigate their damages. Obama’s response was not to worry; BP was going to pay for everything.

Now, some of Obama’s Hollywood buddies want him to get tough and show emotion. So he goes on the Matt Lauer show and says he went to the Gulf and had to stand in the rain to meet with the people and stated, “He’s looking for someone’s ass to kick.” (I wonder when he said that if he had a gun tucked under his shirt, like Bill Maher suggested.)That statement is just as classless and asinine as the statement made by the BP CEO Tony Hayward, “I want my life back.” If he is looking for someone’s ass to kick maybe he should begin by looking in the mirror. Some people say Obama is getting angry over the oil spill, but I say he is getting angry because some people are pointing the finger of blame at him for this catastrophe and he does not like to be criticized.

In times of crisis a Community Agitator does the following:

• Takes no action for nine days and later tells the people he was on it from day one.

• Sends in the lawyers.

• Forms commissions to study and make recommendations to solve the problem.

• Use the crisis to push forward an agenda. (Cap and Trade)

• Points blame at everyone else.

• Shuts down the industry.

• Complains about having to go to the Gulf, stand in the rain and meet the people.

• Makes no mention of the men that were killed on the rig until told to do so for his image.

• Have people fill out forms instead of using their products that would clean up the spill.

A leader on the other hand does the following:

• Assesses the situation and takes immediate action to minimize the damage.

• Meet with all principals involved and organize a strategy to solve the crisis.

• Does not shut down the industry.

• Empathizes with the people and assures them the crisis will be solved.

• Implements pre-approved emergency plans consisting of the following:

o Use of booms to encircle the spill.

o Controlled burns.

o Build sand berms.

o Bring in empty tankers with vacuum hoses to suck up the oil.

o Use any and all technology to minimize the damage.

Some of the survivors of the Deep Horizon rig that caught fire and sunk were on the Anderson Cooper show. They stated a representative from BP came onto the rig and ordered the Transocean representative to change the way they were drilling to speed up the process because BP was loosing money. Instead of using specialized mud as a lubricant in the drilling process, the BP representative ordered Transocean to use sea water to speed up the process, even though the practice was not safe. The Transocean representative succumbed to the wishes of BP and stopped using the mud and replaced it with seawater. The workers then replaced the mud with seawater as they were instructed to do even though it was unsafe.

People are now asking, who’s to blame for the explosion and fire of the Deep Water Horizon oil rig and subsequent oil leak and environmental crisis in the Gulf? Is BP, Transocean, the workers, or President Barack Obama responsible? I say they all are responsible and here’s why. It was about money, greed and incompetence. The BP representative only cared about the money it was costing the company by not speeding up the process. The process was slowed down by using the mud, but it was the safe way to do it. The driller (Transocean) should have not bent to the wishes of the BP representative because he knew, like the BP representative knew that it was not safe to use sea water instead of the mud. The workers themselves were at fault, because they could have refused to do the unsafe method and reported them. However, for fear of being fired they did drill unsafely, which apparently caused the explosion and fire. Obama and his administration were inept and incompetent in their reaction to the spill.

The Obama administration was slow to react to contain and cleanup the spill to minimize the damage caused by the leak. He has yet to meet with any of the BP Executives. According to the Houston Chronicle the Dutch Government offered to help with sand barriers and skimmers to control the oil spill. The skimmers would have been able to remove 20,000 tons of oil and sludge a day. However, the Obama administration refused the help. There are booms sitting in a warehouse in Maine not being used. There are other means of controlling the spill that are not being used.

The main sources of revenue from the Gulf Coast are tourism, fishing and oil, but by the slow response of this administration to contain and cleanup the spill the fishing and tourism industries have now been affected. On top of that, Obama now wants to cripple the oil industry by placing a moratorium on drilling until he can be sure an accident like this can never happen again. Does Obama know what shutting down the oil industry will do to our fragile economy? Using that logic, the airline industry should be shut down; because on May 23, 2010 an Air India plane crashed in Mangalore, India killing 159 people. It was a tragic accident and people died. So should we ban or stop flying? The answer is no. The airlines should not be shut down until the government figures out a way to not have anymore accidents. By the same token we should not stop drilling for oil.

Today, Obama is saying, “Even though I am President of the United States, my power is not limitless. I can not dive down there and plug the hole; I can not suck it up with a straw.” Yet, Obama said during the summer of his presidential run, " … this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth…We are the ones we have been waiting for." So why doesn’t he just lower the Gulf waters and “plug the damn hole?”

Furthermore, I am not an engineer, but I have experience in plumbing and have seen pictures from the leak and it seems like it is similar to a union that is bolted down. They should have the schematics of that union and could put one together with a riser pipe and a shut off valve attached. In doing so, they could cut off the bolts of the old one and replace it with the new one containing the shut off valve. The shut off valve would remain open until the piece is attached and then close the valve.Like I said, I am not an engineer, but maybe they are thinking too hard on it and this simple solution may work.

Some people are now calling for an end to using oil because of this spill.These people may not be aware of all of the different products made from oil, but some of them are tires, shoes, curtains, plastic, PVC pipe, shingles, rope, clothing, ink, along with fuels and lubricants typically associated with oil. President Obama stated, “The fact that oil companies now have to go a mile underwater and then drill another three miles below that in order to hit oil tells us something about the direction of the oil industry. Extraction is more expensive, and it is going to be inherently more risky. And so that’s part of the reason you never heard me say, ‘Drill, baby, drill,’ because we can’t drill our way out of the problem.” He fails to mention that they are drilling there because of EPA regulations; wherein the environmentalists, through the courts are blocking the drilling for oil inland, where it would be cheaper and less risky. Obama will be using this catastrophe to push for the Cap and Trade legislation, even though climate change is a hoax.

Oil is the lifeblood of our economy and our way of life. The United States needs to become energy independent as a matter of National Security. To rein in costs to help the American people, the United States needs an energy policy that works, which includes drilling where the oil is, nuclear power, clean coal, wind, solar and other alternative fuel sources as long as it is not from the food chain.

If there is a bright spot to the oil crisis it is it shows the ingenuity, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit of the American people. Ken Starrett, of American Excelsior Company, has a product that would help with the cleanup and is willing to donate a substantial amount of the product for the cleanup, but the government requires them to send in forms and after doing so have received no response. There are others who have come up with products and solutions to the oil catastrophe. Unfortunately, BP and the Obama administration are refusing to use them. Talk about incompetence.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Monday, June 14, 2010

Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground and Obama

This is a video everyone needs to see.Hitler killed 6 million Jews in WWII and it was called the Holocaust. However, the Weather Underground was planning on killing 25 million Americans. An FBI agent who infiltrated the Weather Underground, (Bill Ayers's group) was told by them that 25 million Americans would have to be eliminated if they could not be re-educated into an anti-capitalist mentality. This is the mindset of Bill Ahers, the unrepentant terrorist,the college professor and Barack Hussein Obama's friend.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Bob Cashell, the Republican Mayor of Reno Nevada says he cannot support the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Nevada, Sharon Angle stating she is an ultra right-winger. Instead, he will support and campaign for Senator Harry Reid. Just like Colin Powell, when he endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain, Cashell is another RINO showing his true colors. How can he support Harry Reid? Has he not seen what Reid is doing to this country? It’s one thing maybe to not support your parties candidate, but to endorse, support and campaign for the opposition party is ridiculous and a betrayal to the party. Why does he want to remain and call himself a Republican? If he does not quit the Republican Party voluntarily, the Republican Party should remove him from the roles. Eventually, the Republican Party needs to get rid of all of the RINO’s.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Meg Whitman, Kings or Queens or Oligharchies

The next governor of California will be a re-tread in Jerry Brown or a RINO in Meg Whitman. Meg Whitman spent 80 million dollars to win the Republican primary for Governor in California for a job that pays $212179. Why? She was endorsed by the RINO Newt Gingrich, who is positioning himself to run for president in 2012. King Michael Bloomberg of New York spent over 100 million dollars and convinced the New York legislators to make an exception for him to run for a third term as mayor of New York City. These people are buying elections; it is all about power and control. I do not believe America needs to have Kings or Queens or oligharchies to run our government.

She said the only time she voted in her life was in 1984 for George H. W. Bush, although it was Ronald Reagan who was running for president in 1984. Did she really vote then? She clarified her voting record by saying, “Like many Americans…I missed too many elections. I voted in the 1984 election in California, I remember it very clearly… the last president I voted for was George Bush Senior, then John McCain, obviously.” When asked for an explanation as to why she did not participate in the election process she had no explanation except to say she was wrong for not voting all those years.

Whitman’s position on immigration is the same as President Barack Obama. She is against the Arizona law, wants to secure the borders, go after the employers who hire illegal immigrants, with fines and possible loss of licenses and closing the business for subsequent violations. As for the illegal immigrants that are here she wants to fine them, have them learn to speak English and get to the back of the line, but she does not want to deport them. If she does not want to deport them I ask, “Where is the back of the line?” You do not reward people for bad behavior. The illegal immigrants need to be deported.

She also is an admirer of Van Jones stating “he is very bright, very articulate. I’m a huge fan of his,” even though he is an admitted communist and an ex czar of the Obama administration. Van Jones now went underground and no longer openly calls himself a Communist stating to drop the radical pose for the radical ends; instead he calls himself an environmentalist. Van Jones spoke at an American Future Now conference and said, “The opportunity to recognize that a government movement is three things. It’s top down, you handled that. You got the White House, the Senate and the House. You handled the top down- but it is also bottom up and inside out. Top down, bottom up and inside out. So, now your challenge as you leave here-our challenge is to take care of that bottom up part and that inside out part, the heart part. That’s where we are at now and we have the chance as we move forward to take the old admonition from the South African movement and govern from below.” …”I think that when we look back at the history of the Obama administration, when we look back at the history of our progressive movement, that this week will mark an historic inflection point when progressives decided to be progressives again in this country. I think something shifted this week.” Was he talking about Whitman winning the primary?

The American people need to educate themselves and become informed about the people who want to run the government, because if you get the wrong people in power they will want to control you. Thomas Jefferson said, “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty. Information is the currency of democracy.”

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for MO Senate 22

Monday, May 31, 2010

Rendell, Lies, Corruption & Democrat/Statists

Governor Rendell said he did the same thing in 2006 and goes on to state you need to do those things in order to get things done in Washington. What, you need to be corrupt to get things done? Rendell and other Democrat/Statists are what is wrong with this country. They are LIARS and think they are above the law. They either ignore laws that they pass, such as the one they are talking about with Sestak, or the Pay-go law, or they change it or get exemptions from it like they did in Massachusetts or New York with the election laws.These Statists in the Media are just as bad, they are Obama apologists and are the PROPAGANDA wing of the Obama administration.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for Mo. Senate 22

Daley, Guns and the Right to Defend Yourself

A Korean War veteran encountered an intruder breaking into his home who fired two shots at him. The vet returned fire, killing the intruder. The victim purchased his gun after he was robbed six months earlier.Chicago has a ban on owning handguns and Mayor Daley does not know if charges will be filed against the homeowner. He then made the following idiotic statement: “I understand the situation and I understand. What I'm saying is all of us have to understand that guns [is] not the answer to problems we see in homes and on the streets of America. It's just [has] simple as that.” He says this while walking around with armed body guards. The US Supreme Court is supposed to rule on the ban by the end of June, 2010. Hopefully, the judges will see the wisdom in ending the ban.

This is not the first idiotic statement made by Daley, he blamed the Fort Hood shootings on guns. These useless Democrat/Statists like Daley do not understand that people have a God given right to protect themselves and their families. Fools like Daley, who are in positions of power want to try to take that right away. Daley says guns [is] not the answer, I have to disagree. Guns were the answer for this 80-year-old Army veteran who shot and killed a career criminal, Anthony Nelson, 29, who was on parole, had a 13-page rap sheet and went by the name "Big Ant." I guess you could say this courageous veteran exterminated the Big Ant. However, his son Butch Gant said it best, "He missed, (but) my daddy didn't." Unfortunately, the police seized the victim’s gun. I hope he has a spare.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for Mo. Senate 22

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Obama Apologists

On Sunday May 30, 2010, E J Dionne of the Washington Post was on Meet the Press and said, “People who are anti-government want the government to have the power to do something.” Juan Williams was on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace and said referring to the oil spill, “Some people say government is too big, government is too intrusive in our lives. But then something like this happens and people say where’s the government, we want big government.” I guess they are referring to the Tea-Party protesters. However, they are the ones who do not get it. The Tea Party protesters are not anti-government, they are for limited government. There is a role for government and its primary responsibility is to protect its citizens. It is for the defense of this country. That is where the Obama administration is not living up to its role, whether it is protecting the borders to overseeing the containment and cleanup of the oil spill. Those would be legitimate roles of the government and the Obama administration is falling short of expectations.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for Mo. Senate 22

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Muslims and 9/11 Mosques

It is my understanding that the Muslims want to build two mosques in the shadows of where the World Trade Center stood.These people are blind to the fact that Islam is at war with us. These mosques will represent a symbol to the world of the conquest of 9/11. It is an "in your face" to the American people. President Obama praised and dedicated the freedom of the press in memory of Daniel Pearlman, because he was a journalist, apparently failing to realize that he was beheaded by these jihadists because he was an American Jew. America is called the Great Satan by these people.The Muslim Brotherhood calls for a “Civilization-Jihadist Process,” in which they would destroy the Western civilization from within. Radical Muslims believe Americans are infidels; and the infidels will have to convert to Islam,be enslaved or killed.They state, we do not want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy. That is what we want.Through the domination of Islam and its ideas the Whitehouse will change and become the Muslim House. The United States is a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles and we tolerate other religions like Islam, but we do not want to become a Muslim nation and put under Sharia law and Honor Killings. That is why we must remain vigilant to protect our freedom.

Greg Zotta
Republican Candidate for Mo. Senate 22